
Getting Started: Jump Into Watercolor Basics, 

with David Budd

Very portable and accessible as a painting medium, watercolor can be a rewarding mode for creative expression. Join David Budd in discovering basic techniques to get you started in watercolor. All that is required is a desire to explore and learn through color, shape, line and composition in an easy-going, supportive setting.

Appropriate for beginners and those already acquainted with watercolor painting.

Register here

“There’s nothing more rewarding than witnessing the moments of discovery, when I see a student enter a new realm of expression through visual art” - David Budd

“I found I could say things with color and shapes that I couldn’t say any other way - things I had no words for.” - Georgia O’Keeffe


David Budd gravitated to art at an early age, made it a focus in high school, and went on to earn a BFA in painting and drawing at SUNY New Paltz. In addition to visual art, David Budd engages in creative expression through music and is a founding member and percussionist in the band, Datura Road. He lives in Kingston with his wife, Karen, and dog, Jet.