D.R.A.W. News

The D.R.A.W. has finished it's move into the YMCA. Teen Open Studios and Costumed Drawing sessions are of off and running. We are working with Uncle Riley to Paint the Town Yellow and  shed a light on depression.  The Reher Center teen Photo/Voice project, will be sharing our space, culminating with an inaugural exhibit of the work. We will be finalizing Passages, to be offered this summer, at the Kingston Library, Teen Art Lab.


Painting the town yellow

The P.U.G.G. Crew joined with Uncle Riley in painting the YMCA Yellow for the Celebration of International Day of Happiness, the kick off of the Paint the Town Yellow campaign. This was just the beginning. P.U.G.G. will be working to shed a light on depression by reaching out to local business to spread art and information in support of mental health awareness. Keep an eye out on Broadway as the town gets painted yellow.

At the Teen Open Studios, we are joining in, making silk screen posters to be placed around town, doing our part to spread the light.

For more information on the campaign, or to get involved visit the www.facebook.com/kingstonisintoyellow/, or contact us at info@drawkingston.org.


Sculpture workshop

 Boat builder and local artist, Biz Goldhammer  will introduce students to the rich history of boat building in various cultures. Participants will explore several boat building techniques using various materials, and will create a sculptural vessel worthy of an imaginary voyage. Look for the work at a venue in the future.


Mellow Yellow

Costumed Drawing Sessions return Monday, April 9th, 6:30-8:30 pm, at the DRAW/YMCA, with an Int-O-Yellow drawing event/fundraiser.  We will be providing a set and model, for a truly optimistic experience. All materials included.

If you choose, your drawings will be displayed at the Rhinebeck Artists Shop through May, to shed a light on depression and suicide prevention.

Sign in at the front desk

$8 for Y members, $10 non-members