Saturday Drawing Lab (w/Suky Kearney) 10am-12pm @ the DrawYMCA studio

Saturday’s Dec 7 thru Feb 7, 10am - 2pm

Ages 10- 14 , all materials included

DRAW/YMCA 507 Broadway, Kingston

Register here:

If you are a middle school aged student (5-8 th grade) who either loves to draw, are afraid to draw but secretly wants to try, or are just interested in trying it out, Drawing Lab is for you! In this 8-week series students will experiment with new and unexpected ways to approach drawing that include both working from life and using your imagination. Each week you will be introduced to a different technique or principle: such as the basics of line, mark making, shading, perspective, uses of erasing and smudging, and composition. We will also use a variety of materials such as: pencil, ink, charcoal, and marker. Come explore your own personal drawing style and develop practical technical skills while creating many finished drawings that you will feel proud of!


Teacher Bio:

Susanna Kearney began drawing as a child and never stopped. Today she is a full time artist with a studio in Kingston, NY where she goes everyday to draw and paint. She has years of experience teaching art to children, teens, and adults in New York City where she moved from recently with her husband and two young adult sons. Susanna is a professionally trained artist with a Bachelor’s of Fine Arts from the Kansas City Art Institute in Kansas City, Missouri and a Master’s in Creativity Development from Pratt Institute in Brooklyn, New York.