10:00 am - 1:00pm, January 18, 25, February 1, 8

$200 all materials provided. $180 for Y members,

Over the course of 4 weeks, students will explore mark making using a variety of simple printmaking processes ranging from monoprints, collagraph, drypoint, stencilling and image transfer techniques to create a series of related prints. All of these techniques are non-toxic, direct processes that are easy to master. Each technique will be introduced and students will have the option of in-depth exploration of a process which best fits their conceptual and artistic ends. No previous printmaking experience required.


Tatana Kellner, WSW’s Artistic Director has been printing, assembling images and making prints and artists’ books for over 35 years. Tatana’s work was been featured in over 30 solo exhibitions in USA and abroad. Tatana is the recipient of a Pollock Krasner Foundation Grant, a Puffin Foundation Grant, New York Foundation for the Arts Fellowships, and a Ruth Chenven Foundation Grant. She has been awarded residencies at The MacDowell Colony, Yaddo, Banff Centre for the Arts, Visual Studies Workshop, Saltonstall Art Colony, Millay Colony, the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts, Artpark, Blue Mountain Center, Jentel, Fundación Valparaiso, Hessisches Landes Museum in Darmstadt, Germany, Ucross Foundation, Bogliasco Foundation, Siena Art Institute and The Ragdale Foundation. Her work is featured in Catherine Nash’s new book, AUTHENTIC VISUAL VOICES™: Contemporary Paper and Encaustic.

