Warning: Drawzilla Approaches!!

Attention all artists! The mighty drawing monster, Drawzilla, is marching en route of Kingston New York. In light of her arrival, the D.R.A.W. is holding the third annual Draw-A-Thon with a monstrous theme. Like in past Draw-A-Thons, anyone will be able to walk in during the 12-hour event and draw all over the space. The walls and windows will be covered in prompts to pull from, and there will be multiple multi-media stations to play with. It will take place right here at 22-24 Iwo Jima Lane.

Drawzilla has come to draw, but also intends to gobble up any tasty artworks put in front of her face. So, Draw-A-Thon producer Maizy Milliken has constructed the Draw-A-Ton Mk. III, otherwise known as Mechadrawzilla. Like previous iterations of the invention, this dazzling mech will be able produce unique drawings at the press of a button. Thanks to the help of the Draw-A-Ton, we will have no shortage of unique artworks at the event.

There’s another big surprise in store for guests. The D.R.A.W. has always been a place with everything you need for making prints. At this year’s Draw-A-Thon, you can catch a steamroller pressing on linoleum prints of giant proportions. Artists and friends of the D.R.A.W. have been invited to carve into their own tiles of linoleum, so we will see some excellent work on a massive scale.

The Draw-A-Thon will be taking place this Saturday, August 12th from 10 AM to 10 PM. You can find us on 22 Iwo Jima Lane. We’re looking forward to this being our biggest Draw-A-Thon yet. The love that has been put into our props, decorations, and stations are guaranteed to impress. We hope to see you all there and we hope you’re ready to meet Drawzilla!